May 2017 - Table of Contents
May 23, 2017 Meeting Notes
6. Agenda Adoption
9. Ecma 262 Status Update
10. Ecma 402 Status Update
11. Ecma 404 Status Update
12. Test262 Status Updates
16.i.a RegExp Legacy Features for Stage 3
16.i.b. Math.signbit proposal
16.i.c Status update on RegExp proposals: lookbehind, Unicode properties, dotall flag and named groups status update
16.i.d Intl.Segmenter for Stage 3
Normative ICU Reference
16.i.e Standardizing Date.prototype.toString
16.i.g Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.hfround for stage 1
16.i.h Why allow BindingPattern for BindingRestParameter for object rest. Maybe we should just allow identifiers.
16.ii.a Atomics.waitNonblocking for Stage 1
16.ii.b Module import options discussion, potentially for stage 1
16.ii.c Importing modules which failed evaluation
16.ii.e Advance Numeric separators proposal to Stage 1
16.iii.a Accessing host-specific module metadata from inside a module
May 24, 2017 Meeting Notes
14.i Towards Trustworthy Verification of JavaScript
14.ii Shape Security
14.ii Daniel Ehrenberg
14.iv Role of Babel in JS
14.v TC39/ECMAScript: The Next 20 Years
15.iv BigInt towards Stage 3
May 25, 2017 Meeting Notes
7. Approval of the minutes from last meeting
8. Report from the Ecma Secretariat
18i. Code of Conduct follow-up.
11. ECMA-404 (JSON) ISO fast-track. Review/approve disposition of comments responses and 404 2nd edition draft.
17.ii Web compatibility issues / Needs-consensus PRs
Prohibit async methods named 'function' #884
Normative: Specify RegExp malformed character class behavior #864
Relax [[DefineOwnProperty]] on module namespace exotic objects. #858
Normative: Define particular precision for toFixed and friends #857
Normative: Date.prototype.toString throws on non-Date receiver #850
15.i.a RegExp Legacy Features for Stage 3
15.ii.f import.meta for stage 2
15.iii.b Updates on class-field proposals (both public and private).
15.iv.a. Revisiting async generator yield behavior
15.iv.b Updates on Cancellation Proposals
15.i.h. BigInt for Stage 3
17.iii.a Observable proposal to Stage 2